Saturday 15 July 2017

Breakfast surprise

No matter how long you observe nature, the natural world always has one extra trick up its sleeve to surprise you and leave you flabbergasted.  Early this morning, as I was getting ready to go and look for butterflies in Wallonia, still half asleep and without my glasses, I noticed something clambering around the dead tree opposite my balcony.  It moved a bit like a squirrel, which would be crazy, but Jays often move around like that so that was my first guess.  As the bird flew, though, I got the impression of a bronzy colouration so I just dismissed it as a juvenile Blackbird, which was the most likely possibility.  A few minutes later, however, the bird returned to the same tree and this time I was ready!

 A juvenile Green Woodpecker was staring right back at me!  I've now been in this apartment almost two years and have just once heard a Green Woodpecker calling so I presumed it was passing through.  As this one is so young, and thus unlikely to have dispersed very far, it now seems they have been breeding right under my nose.