Tuesday 14 February 2017

Love is in the air

Today was a beautiful, spring-like day, temperatures having increased by almost 15 degrees within three days!  The Great Crested Grebes, already in their breeding finery, certainly seemed to know what day it is as they were all busy displaying.  I finally managed to add Little Bunting to my Belgian list by connecting with the bird near Visé, back for its second winter in a row and one of at least three which seem to be overwintering in Belgium at the moment.  I'd tried to see this particular bird twice last year but failed on both attempts so it was third time lucky.  A pair of Yellow-legged Gulls and an immature Hen Harrier reminded me of my recent trip to Bulgaria whilst yesterday, I added the 50th species to my flat list with a Marsh Tit in the adjoining park.