Thursday 7 June 2018

Amazonian birding part 1

My first day and a half birding around Belém provided me with 14 lifers, including the ridiculously red Scarlet Ibis, one of the species I most wanted to see.  I'll have more time in Pará on the way back but I'm now at the lodge again.  I've spent the past two days walking the various trails and trying to investigate the myriad bird calls, many of which I've forgotten since I was last here.  Yesterday, I flushed a Variegated Tinamou which scuttled off the trail but then froze within view, allowing me to get a great look at its markings.  This morning, I was standing quietly in the Secret Garden when I heard some rustling leaves and turned around expecting to find a lizard, only to see a Tataupa Tinamou walk over the rocks and off into the forest.  That's only the second Tataupa I've seen in all the years I've been coming here and two tinamous in my first two days.  Only another nine tinamou species to go!