Saturday 6 July 2024


I was back in Berlin again last weekend so just had to make another visit to my favourite birding spot, Moorlinse Buch.  The breeding Red-necked Grebes were not visible on the main lake but I did find this juvenile, complete with red neck, on an adjacent marshy pond.  I never realised they acquired their denominative colouration at such an early age.
I had, however, done a bit of butterfly research beforehand and noticed that one of my most wanted butterflies had been recorded a few times at another reserve just a short walk away.  I thus set out to explore the new area, not really expecting to have any luck but, as soon as I got there, I noticed my first Large Chequered Skipper feeding on flowers alongside the path!

It was the only one I saw, despite walking around for another two hours, so I could hardly believe my tiny bit of research had actually worked and got me this beautifully-patterned, rare butterfly which is probably extinct in Belgium.