Monday 6 April 2020

Confinement birding part 2

I've not discovered any more lifers during the past week although an immature Marsh Harrier, which migrated northwards early on 1 April, became the 65th species I've seen or heard from my apartment since I moved in 4.5 years ago.  Other than that, it has been very quiet birdwise and I only managed one short birdwalk in the Bois de la Cambre, which is about ten minutes away.  I did find the avian equivalent of a high-rise apartment building though, as one large, dead tree seemed to house one or two pairs of Jackdaw as well as nesting Stock Dove and Middle Spotted Woodpecker!  My nesting Great Tits seem to have decided they have gathered enough moss and are now bringing feathers instead, whilst the local Woodpigeons are going crazy for the buds of one tree.  I regularly counted up to a dozen of them at once and this particular individual has taken a liking to sitting on my windowledge, presumably as it was warm being just the other side of the wall from my radiator.