Wednesday 18 March 2020

Crazy, crazy times

These are strange, disconcerting times for everyone but, meanwhile, the natural world is going about its business regardless.  I finally heard my first Chiffchaffs in the Sonian Forest on 7 March, about ten days later than last year, which is strange considering how mild it has been.  Two days later, the first had reached my local park; it usually takes them a few days extra to penetrate into the city.  This Alexandrine Parakeet, taken through the bars of my balcony to avoid scaring it off, was checking out the activity at my peanut feeder.  Despite their bigger size and heavier bill, they are extremely wary and much more discrete than their boisterous cousins, the Ring-necked Parakeet, and this one didn't dare to come any closer to feed.  Last Saturday, I made a brief visit to my Brussels patch, where my old friend, the female Ferruginous Duck, now approaching the end of her 8th winter in Brussels, was busy sleeping.  It was extremely busy, however, almost like a bank holiday, since everything else is closed and the only thing people have left to do is take a walk in the park.  Stay safe, everyone!