Sunday 30 May 2021

May catch-up

After ten days of horribly wet and windy weather with very little opportunity to get out, it has finally turned nice again.  I thus managed to twitch this singing Melodious Warbler which has set up territory on some wasteland in Brussels.  Melodious Warbler used to be restricted to the south of Belgium and I would normally have to visit the area around Couvin to see one, but they seem to be rapidly expanding their range northwards, with several reported in Brussels over the past few days.  Icterine Warbler, on the other hand, seems to be decreasing, at least in Belgium, and is now much harder to find.  Yesterday, though, I saw two of them during a day spent at one of my favourite places in Limburg, where I tallied 71 species!  I also saw seven species of butterfly and my first dragonflies of the year, plus this freshly emerged damselfly I haven't yet identified. UPDATE: it's a teneral Blue-tailed Damselfly (Ischnura elegans).