Sunday 5 July 2020

Damsel of the dunes

I finally made it back to the Belgian coast for the first time since January!  Of course, early July is probably the worst time to go, being in-between the two migration periods, and there were very few shorebirds as a result.  I did see one Green Sandpiper, however, which was new for the year, as was a Little Tern, which I got to see really well fishing close to the shore.  There were plenty of butterflies around, especially Ringlets, but the day really belonged to the odonata, with lots of Ruddy Darters, many of which had just emerged.

Walking through the extensive dune system, I also photographed this damselfly, which I presumed was just a Willow Emerald Damselfly, a common species I've already seen a few times recently.  It was only when I looked at the photo that I noticed the distinctive, bicoloured pterostigma of my first Southern Emerald Damselfy, my third new odonate so far this year!