Wednesday 10 October 2018

The end of summer?

This Indian summer we are having just doesn't want to end but, temperatures aside, things are starting to look very autumnal.  I've been trying a migration watch from my balcony most mornings with varying success.  There have been good numbers of Chaffinches going over, with quite a few Siskins, Skylarks and Meadow Pipits, plus an obvious increase in Song Thrushes the past few days.  The best migrant so far was a Barn Swallow, which flew right past on 5th October and will most likely be my last swallow of the year.  My local park, is starting to get the odd Chiffchaff, Firecrest and Goldcrest feeding with the resident group of Long-tailed Tits, and several Robins have arrived and are singing to proclaim their winter territories.  On Monday morning, I guided a visiting birder around my Brussels patch, with Middle Spotted Woodpecker again showing ridiculously well although it took several visits to the spot before it finally appeared.  We managed to find 47 species in just a few hours, including the regular Red-crested Pochards and Ferruginous Duck, with a Kingfisher in the mist making for a very atmospheric start.  My guest was also interested in fungi and these seem to be at their peak right now as we saw several interesting species, including some very fresh Fly Agaric mushrooms, which I don't remember noticing before.