Thursday 25 January 2018

Exotic Brussels

Earlier this week, I paid another visit to the Pygmy Cormorant, which is still around, and noticed this particularly colourful bush in full bloom.  Ever inquisitive, I found out is a kind of witch-hazel of the genus hamamelis, also known as winterbloom since they generally flower in January or February.  Back in the park adjoining my apartment, I heard a single Alexandrine Parakeet calling and went looking for it only to discover eight of them feeding quietly in a fruiting tree.  I have never seen Alexandrine Parakeets in this area so concluded they must have followed the local Ring-necked Parakeets from their communal roost.  The following day, this theory was backed up by the fact that the Alexandrines had obviously told their friends about the tasty berries on offer as the group had grown to 14.  Yesterday was day three and there were 20 of them; word travels fast in the parakeet world!  Since January has been almost as grey as December, it's nice to have these exotics to brighten up the dreary, mid-winter days a little.