Sunday 27 November 2016

Nasty November

Well, November has been very grey and wet, which is why there has been very little activity on my blog of late.  I only managed two brief birding forays this month, one to my Brussels patch and another in the Sonian Forest, where I'm pretty sure I found a Hume's or Yellow-browed Warbler, but it disappeared off into the forest before I could get a good look at it.  The stream of Siberian Accentors seems to have dried up at a staggering 227 individuals since 4 October and there has also been a considerable influx of Waxwings with a handful of sightings in Brussels, none of which I was able to connect with.  Instead, I have been busy working through my Brazil photo's and ocasionally making some unexpected identifications, such as this Purple-washed Euselasia (Euselasia euoras), which had remained unidentified since 2014.

In a few days, my annual online advent calendar will start again, this year featuring my favourite pictures from my three months in Brazil, so you can expect a lot more butterflies and exotic birds to brighten up the dreary days of December!