Wednesday 22 June 2016

Brazilian summer part 2

I've now been at the lodge for a full week although my first couple of days here were spent mostly in bed since my body didn't like the 30-degree temperature difference between here and the mountains. When I finally felt fit enough to try a short trail, I immediately came across an antswarm with both Dark-winged Trumpeters and Snethlage's Marmoset, both of which are usually difficult to see, in attendance.  A fig tree right next to our dormitory was in fruit, attracting no less than ten species of tanager plus six different euphonias within a couple of hours.  Having seen or heard well over 500 of the 600 or so species recorded in the region of Alta Floresta, the remaining ones are either extremely rare or difficult to find.  I was not expecting to get any lifers, therefore, but have seen two in the past two days! First, I found a Dark-billed Cuckoo amongst vegetation along the Cristalino river, then another guide told me he had located a Rufous Nightjar, which we went to see the following morning.  Not bad for my first week here!