Wednesday was a big day for crane migration so I had planned to go to the Ardennes yesterday to try and see some. The SNCB's inability to run trains on time put paid to that idea, however, so I ended up 'just' doing another tour of my Brussels patch instead. It started out very well, though, with a male Lesser Spotted Woodpecker drumming and calling. I've been going to this site about once a month on average for the past 15 years and this is the first time I've seen one there, although I did think I heard one calling about a year ago. Great Spotted were also very active and I completed the spotted trio (a very rare occurrence!) with a Middle Spotted calling constantly. I relocated the Bittern, watched a Firecrest singing, and ended up with a total of 50 species without a single spring migrant, not even a Chiffchaff, the first of which should be here by now.