Tuesday 25 November 2014

Golden goldeneye

As you've probably guessed from the lack of posts lately, I've not been out birding much the past couple of weeks and, when I have, there was very little to write about.  Today was particularly frustrating as I added three species to my year list but didn't get a good look at any of them.  First of all, in the Forêt de Soignes/Zoniënwoud, I glimpsed a Lesser Redpoll as it flew over calling. 
In the afternoon, I went for a walk on Kalmthout Heath, where a group of 30 geese passed low overhead, their calls giving them away as Tundra Bean Geese.  I also saw a very distant passerine feeding at the water's edge, which could have been anything really but the behaviour and habitat best fitted Water Pipit, which I later heard calling.  I may even have heard a Penduline Tit flying over but I couldn't locate it and I don't hear them often enough to be sure of that one.  Other than that and several Crested Tits, it was very quiet but the above first-winter, male Goldeneye entertained me for a while before providing a nice photo opportunity as it swam through the glow of the setting sun.